CSO #15
Here are some of the statistics from the CSO #15:
A total of 715 FILs (Filecoins) were stipulated for the event and they were all distributed.
A cumulative summation of Limit -178 cFILs
A cumulative summation of Unlimit -537 cFILs ·
A total of 1,049,275.5 CRFIs were burned ·
Limit swap exchanged 242,970 CRFIs ·
Unlimit swap exchanged 733,005 CRFIs ·
The burned CRFIs included 73,300.5 CRFIs charged as Participation Fee in the Unlimit swap ·
The Swap Ratio set immediately before the even was: 1365:1
CRFI burn incineration addresses:
BSC TXID: 0xc432e39a6a7291fe3966dae9d7aca2819305f537bdb825aaccf0299dcf6b89e9
ERC20 TXID: 0x6b837a4d461928c40c1c17cb8892adbacb184072683d77f8ae61e1617566873b
Last updated